Fox News' Most Racist Al Sharpton Segment Yet

Fox and Friends drops the Konservative Klown Kar and fear-mongering about Al Qaeda. Let's be more scared of Al Sharpton.

Why should we be scared of Al Sharpton's White House access, Fox News? Because America is at war with with Al Qaeda, but has yet to win the war with Al Sharpton. See the video below courtesy of Dave Chappelle at 0:24 for a chuckle.

Brian Kilmeade and Elisabeth Hasselbeck's racist guest du jour was a Cato institute Koch acolyte named Carl Horowitz. He recently authored the book Al Sharpton, A Demagogue's Rise. The Cato Institute doesn't seem to be terribly fond of influential black people, especially President Obama. Naturally, the Reverend Al's numerous visits to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should terrify the Fox News viewers who are convinced the Negroes are taking over. Then there's the tax issue that's just sending these fear-mongerers over the edge.

Horowitz's conservative bona fides are rich and sordid. In the early nineties, he was a staunch defender of Clarence Thomas from those dastardly Democrats who allowed the testimony of Anita Hill to be a part of his Supreme Court confirmation hearings. He is very much against minimum wage earners, and naturally despises labor unions. In 2005 he said,

"The low-wage labor force is, by definition, a labor force lacking some combination of education, training, job experience, and social skills. To raise wages and boost productivity, public policy ought to focus on encouraging low-wage workers to gain skills. Creating and raising a floor wage, divorced from such a consideration, makes the least-skilled workers more indispensable than ever." - Carl F. Horowitz, Cato Institute

Surprisingly, today's crew decided to forego the white hoods, but the dialogue was unmistakably laden with dog whistles. Here are a few fine moments from guests and crew:


"Sharpton basically has the key to the White House because Barack Obama trusts him as the number one race issue-fella in the street. He's like a shadow cabinet member .... Sharpton got respectable . He stopped wearing those track suits and medallions, he lost the screaming and the pompadour, he calls himself kind of a refined agitator.


"He also lost about 100 lbs."


"according to his book, he lost 150, or so he says (because you can't trust a black man to EVER tell the truth)
While he looks less dangerous (than the days when he looked more stereotypically black) he's actually, in fact, MORE dangerous, because of his access.


Is the access and his, sort of, status with the president in terms of his respectability, the reason he's been able to evade taxes? And he owes A LOT of money? (never mind Cliven Bundy's tax bill, he's a white guy).

Kilmeade asks,

"...you say people don't want to get on the bad side of the people who support Sharpton. What did you mean by that?"


"He has people who are going to march with him, who are gonna make noise. They saw what happened in Ferguson, Missouri, people are scared. I'm not saying Sharpton overtly endorsed the riots, he's too smart of a politician for that. But he'll give tacit support, he'll provide justifications, he won't condemn it.
(and finally the kicker) Here's a guy who's spent the last thirty years in the national public eye, inciting riots. And he's the administrations "go to-guy" for diffusing them, isn't that kind of an irony?"

President Obama's friend visits once a month (roughly) ***GASP***

In order to get one final dig into the Politics Nation host, Brian Kilmeade said,

"When he missed the Mandela funeral, President Obama brought him back a program and it said, 'from one warrior for justice to another', so they feel..."

then Horowitz laughed at the absurdity of it all, and sardonically interected,

"They are kindred spirits."

The collective tax evasion of off-shoring, corporate fascists, like Willard Romney and the beloved Kochs, is perfectly acceptable. They are white patriots.

So the big, burning question is, 'how does a tax evader get access to the White House?' I'd have no problem with that question being asked if Fox News would also ask, 'how have obvious war criminals not been tried at the Hague?'

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