Fox's Hoenig: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To 'Forced Abortion'
No one ever accused the pundits on Fox's Cashin' In of being too terribly bright.
No one ever accused the pundits on Fox's Cashin' In of being too terribly bright. Weekly regular Jonathan Hoenig doesn't want the government forcing anyone to get vaccinated, but apparently doesn't mind forced quarantines or someone being sued to high heaven after the damage is already done. What could possibly go wrong with his brilliant plan?
Here's more from TPM: Fox Guest: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To 'Forced Abortion':
Fox News guest Jonathan Hoenig said on Saturday that those advocating mandatory vaccinations for the "so-called public good" could be ushering in "forced abortions" and "forced pills."
After host Eric Bolling noted a bill in California proposing mandatory vaccinations regardless of religious belief, Hoenig breathlessly condemned forced immunization by government.
"Think about where this could lead if government gets involved in science and medicine— forced sterilizations, forced abortion, forced pills, forced treatments," he exclaimed.
Hoenig did add that he thought if someone were contagious, they should be quarantined (forcibly).
"Oh my god," said another exasperated guest Nomiki Konst, who informed Hoenig that 48 out of 50 states already have mandatory vaccinations for children who enter public schools.
"They should absolutely be mandatory," she added.
As Konst rightfully pointed out, abortion doesn't have a thing to do with public health or someone catching the measles, but all that got her was being cut off by host Eric Bolling.