Franklin Graham: Our Government Has Been ‘Infiltrated By Muslims’
Franklin Graham was booked as a terrorism-fighting expert on The O’Reilly Factor tonight. Apparently, his knee-jerk hatred for President Obama was all the credential needed.
Franklin Graham was booked as a terrorism-fighting expert on The O’Reilly Factor tonight. Apparently, his knee-jerk hatred for President Obama was all the credential needed.
“Why do you think the world will not unite to stop ISIS?” Bill O’Reilly asked.
Graham said that first, he wanted Muslims to know that God loves them. He meant, Jesus, of course, not the God Muslims worship – and probably believe loves them. “We love them and pray for them… He sent his son from heaven to this earth, Jesus Christ, for them,” Graham said piously. Right before he rolled out the prejudice.
Graham continued, “One of the problems that we have in the west is that our governments, especially in Washington, have been infiltrated by Muslims who are advising the White House, who I think are part of the problem. And we see this also in Western Europe.”
To his credit, O’Reilly challenged that statement. “Give me some names. …I don’t know any Muslim advisors to President Obama. Do you have any names?”
No, Graham didn’t. There was a pause and finally, he said, “I can get those for you, Bill.” He added, “But I do know that they are there. And I’ve been told this by a number of people that they influence – I’m not saying they’re sitting next to the president, whispering in his ear, but they are in the halls, they are speaking to the staffers.”
O’Reilly interrupted to say that there are Muslim lobbyists and suggested that there was nothing wrong with that.
But you have to question why Graham was considered a credible voice on the subject in the first place. He has no credentials in national security, terrorism, Middle East policy or even Islam. He does, however, have a hatred for President Obama that goes beyond policy. Graham has announced that Obama was re-elected because “we’ve turned our back on God” and he has promoted birther attacks on Obama. Graham has also previously suggested that Obama is “too Muslim.”
So clearly, Fox News producers were looking for more of the same when they booked him in the first place.
Crossposted at News Hounds
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