Georgia State Reps Introduce Resolution Calling For Schools To Show D'Souza's 'America'

Here we go again. First Florida and now Georgia.

Here we go again. First Florida and now Georgia. These Republicans sure do love sucking up to a convicted felon, don't they?

Ga. Lawmakers Introduce Resolution Urging Schools To Show D'Souza Film:

Georgia lawmakers last week introduced a resolution calling on schools to screen conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza's latest movie, "America: Imagine A World Without Her."

According to the resolution sponsored by six state House Republicans, D'Souza made the movie to "combat the idea that America is a 'disgrace' to the world."

The resolution also includes D'Souza's description of the movie as one that "analyzes common critiques of the country's past, like slavery and the treatment of Native Americans, and 'zooms in on them to see which parts are true and which are completely false.'"

Florida lawmakers introduced a bill last year that would require students in eighth and eleventh grades to watch the film. The Georgia resolution also targets eighth and eleventh grade, but does not require schools to show the film.

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