Geraldo Rivera Inadvertently Admits Fox News Is Gun Crazy

Geraldo Rivera admits that there are way too many guns in the hands of the wrong people, but is powerless to change the opinion of the NRA Network.

Surprisingly, in Texas (snark), two fourteen year-old girls were fighting. So, as you do in Texas apparently, one of their moms held an unloaded gun to one of their heads. For some reason, she was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She claims the gun was unloaded, but who can say for certain when this country has dozens of tragedies every day where a gun was thought to be unloaded. Elisabeth Hasselbeck introduced her gun-loving audience to Geraldo Rivera, who came out of the corner swinging, quite to the surprise of the Fox amigos. She asked him his thoughts on the matter.

"First I'll talk about the guns. I think that there are far too many creepy, untrained people with deadly weapons in their possession, legally and I lament that, that's a gun-control argument I can never win. There are also specific laws against bringing guns into a school area, that makes the crime more egregious. I think in this case this mother was WAY over her head...if her daughter was threatened with serious bodily harm, I understand the instinct, if the gun is legal, I understand the parent's instinct to take the gun out...You can't allow your love of guns or the Second Amendment to trump that this was an irresponsible and potentially deadly act, the family said the gun wasn't loaded, how are they going to prove that?"

The interview then focused on the fact that the people surrounding the fighting teens were taping the whole incident. They all agreed that a young Geraldo would have gotten right in there and broken up the fight, but now people are just taping and Instagramming the whole sordid episode. The video certainly portrayed that ugly reality of our society.

The segment only took about two minutes as I imagine Fox News certainly didn't want to do a PSA on gun control, as their sponsors would be irate. Fox News has famously defended the NRA on numerous occasions.

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