Homophobic Kansas Republicans Worried About Voter Fraud

Krazy Kris Kobach is super worried about statistically non-existent voter fraud in the state which recently removed legal protections for LGBT Kansans.

Fox and Friends should try to be honest about their dishonesty. Every morning features a segment that should be called, We Think This Is A Real Problem, But It Isn't. Voter fraud is statistically nonexistent, but Steve Doocy warns the viewers that,

"the ILLEGALS are getting driver's licenses and social security cards and the next thing ya know, they're registered to vote! "

This paranoid delusion that people have the slightest desire to commit voter fraud is as ridiculous as Fox calling itself news.

"Every time an ALIEN votes, it effectively cancels out the vote of a U.S. citizen,"

cautions Kansas' homophobic, xenophobic Secretary of State, Kris Kobach. People who are struggling to survive in this country are certainly not concerned with casting a vote for government officials, they're just trying to "put food on their family'--G.W. Bush (no, actually they can hardly afford food). After Governor Brownback's stunning performance this week removing legal protections for LGBT Kansans, in true regressive G.O.P. fashion, Kobach is just fear-mongering over a problem that's entirely contrived by his party.

Kansas already has restrictive voter suppression, so the Secretary of State had to go back to an alleged incident in 2010 where "50 Somalis were caught voting in a municipal election in "Northern Kansas." However, this "incident" he brings up constantly was never proven. "Judge Nixon ruled in August 2010 that “credible evidence proves that there was no voter misconduct and there was no voter fraud with regard to this election.”

I know you're reading this and you're amazed that a Republican like Kobach would lie. Just kidding, it's more likely that you'd find it more shocking if a Republican told the truth.

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