Jon Stewart Takes On The Right Wing: How Do You Poison A Cyanide Factory?
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart takes on the right wing hate talkers and Faux "news" over accusations he's "poisoned their brand."
I was wondering when Jon Stewart was finally going to get around to responding to Megyn Kelly's comments following the news that he was going to be leaving The Daily Show that he "hasn't been a force for good" and that "in his later years he got a little nasty," and Rich Lowry whining that Stewart was mean to those poor picked on, downtrodden conservatives.
This Wednesday, we got our answer. Stewart laid into the talking heads over at Faux "news" and that gasbag Rush Limbaugh, and I especially love his take down after showing some of Rush Limbaugh bloviating and some of the worst of his disgusting on-air attacks of Sandra Fluke, Michael J. Fox and others.
STEWART: We poisoned that brand. Just out of curiosity, let me ask you a question, and I mean this sincerely. How do you poison a cyanide factory? But see, the little game that they play here is, the only reason the right looks bad is that these guys are unfair liars to us. [...]
My points is, we don't lie. We don't distort. We actually have a fellow who works in the building who uses every fiber of his being to prevent us from doing so, that moral bastard. [..]
The point is on the right, pretending that our truthfulness is what's really important to them, which ironically is not true. What matters to the right is discrediting anything that they believe harms their side. That's their prime directive.
Stewart challenged Fox to a "lie-off" at the beginning of the segment and showed lots of examples of why they're going to lose that contest and said they've got more available on The Daily Show's web site. Once again the denizens of Bullshit Mountain are on the losing side of a battle with Jon Stewart.