Mia Love At CPAC: 'Let Americans Rise' (Just Not How I Did)

Red meat from the most self-loathing of all Republicans, Mia Love (R-Ut)

The Congresswoman from Utah, Mia Love (R) was, once again, singing the praises of conservative politics from the podium at CPAC 2015. She followed a lackluster fellow Utahan, Mike Lee, who put the crowd in a less-than-excited-state. Raw Story writes:

And this was the opportunity for Mia Love, the young, African-American representative from Utah, who is a Mormon, to shine. She’s quite good as a speaker, and she defies many of the stereotypes about both black Americans and Republicans, but it’s hard to see her inspiring a mass shift of black voters to her side.

But she does try. Repeatedly, she tries to convince listeners that government efforts to help out minority Americans are actually victimizing them, and that the conservative vision of limited government is the best way to “free” the poor.

“We are the ones that care about the poor,” she said. “The Left does the opposite and brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator.”

These are some of her catch phrases: We've lifted ourselves up; given the opportunity, the American people always rally around a good cause. (pssst. Mia, Remember Ferguson, when so many Americans took to the streets to protest, largely peacefully, the horrible Grand Jury decision on Mike Brown's murder? Republicans don't mention that rally). Unfortunately too many in Washington don't trust the American people... I think it's time for Washington to trust the American people. The American people will help create jobs....*tire screeching sound* Hold it right there, Mia! Under the last Republican, President Bush, simply compare the JOBS created to the Obama Administration's accomplishments.

Job creation under Bush vs. Obama Terms 1 and 2

At about the three minute mark she goes into a routine that she commonly falls back on, the absurdity that welfare is ruining a woman's chances, a single mother's chances to be successful. However, no one is sure which fantasy land she is referencing because child care is certainly not free. So, how can a single mother, who is forced to have the baby because she lives in a red state where abortion is only accessible to women of means, work with a two-year-old in tow? What the hell is she talking about?

The welfare system that afforded her the opportunity to succeed is all of a sudden a hindrance to progress? Why? What changed? The tax code is already skewed so the top earners pay much less than the average working American. Why are these Republican Koch-whores still bitching? This is utter bullshit, and the CPAC people are eating it up, as they do every year. They're really just there to hook up with other hot, young fascists.

This token African-American Mormon woman is feeding the crowd all the red meat she can, passed on to her from her white masters in the LDS hierarchy. If anyone should shun the racism inherent in a system, the MISOGYNY inherent in a system, it's someone who is both female and African-American. Women can't hold the priesthood and blacks were persona non grata in a cult that considers white and delightsome a virtue.
Until 1981 2 Nephi 30:6 in the Book of Mormon taught that dark-skinned Lamanites (Indians) would eventually experience a change in the color of their skin should they embrace the Book of Mormon. This passage of Mormon scripture read:

"...their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a white and a delightsome people."

However, in 1981, the LDS Church decided to change "the most correct book on earth" and switched the word "white" with the word "pure."

Spare us your sanctimonious piety, Mia. You married into a cult that exploited you to fulfill a much-needed niche: African-American females who happen to be LDS. You stood out because you were the very token they were looking for. Now you want to pull the ladder up for the rest of the poor, immigrant and single female population? Typical Republican. You've conformed quite well, Ms Love.

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