Mo Brooks Uses 'Illegal And Unconstitutional' As Code For Black President

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks beats the president's executive action on immigration like an illegal alien dead horse.

Filling in for Chris Hayes on Thursday night's All In, Ari Melber allowed Alabama Republican Congressman, Mo Brooks, to set a new record in the repetition of racist dogwhistle, code-words for black. He made it abundantly clear he disapproves of the allegedly illegal and unconstitutional executive action on immigration that will treat "illegal aliens" better than U.S. citizens. In the beginning of February, Brooks claimed that illegal aliens were responsible for the Measles outbreak, which was as preposterous as his qualifications to hold public office.

In fact, Brooks said the word illegal FOURTEEN times in a five minute interview, four of those times the word illegal was followed by the malevolent word alien. Taking numerous stabs at our Constitutional scholar-POTUS, he mentioned the word unconstitutional eight times during the interview. His tone was akin to a petulant adolescent asserting, I know you are, but what am I? He's concerned mainly with this: 'what if the judge's final order on immigration executive action is stayed and Republicans inadvertently wind up supporting the president's executive action?' With an air of dutiful sanctimony and arrogance, Mo Brooks commented on the monumentally dire task of the Bigot Caucus:

Because the principle here is one of the biggest principles we are ever going to face in Washington, D.C.; what do you do when a United States President violates federal law and disregards the United States Constitution!?

Oh the HORROR! I do declare! Mr. Brooks may have needed Senator Huckleberry J. Butchmeup's™ (h/t Charlie Pierce) fainting couch over that dreadful, uppity black man in the White House and his audacious use of the same power used by Saint Ronnie Reagan. President Reagan used the same executive action to grant amnesty to the human beings whom Mo Brooks refers to as illegal aliens.

In Congressman Brooks' racist-impaired brain, he deems the action of the president "unprecedented" which means, it's happened before, but it's okay, they were WHITE! Brooks has a rich history of paranoid delusions which include his claim last summer that there was a "war on whites" afoot. He also confused the amnesty granted by Reagan with some contrived act of President Clinton. This February's GOP acts of defiance are no different than those of their predecessors of the 113th Congress where

the Republican Bigot Caucus will not countenance any immigration reform. Period.

Brooks is, without question, one of the most fervent opponents to brown people. Deport and report all the DREAMers, he said this back in August and is currently doubling down on his hatred of anyone who is not white.

MSNBC's Ari Melber hopefully had to conserve time on this segment as he did not challenge Brooks on any of Brooks' wild accusations of unconstitutionality. It was disappointing that this man was allowed to utter his venomous hate-filled rant without any retort from the substitute host.

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