Morning Joe: Israel's Best Interests Trump American Protocol
Everyone should just shut up and let Israel decide what's best for Israel. "Arrogant" U.S. President(s) should just let them do what they want.
The Scarborough pro-Israel rally continued early this morning on Morning Joe. Joe said that
Republican and Democratic (meaning Carter and Obama) American Presidents always think they know what's better for Israel, than Israel...This paternalistic arrogance that they always hope will lead to a Nobel Peace Prize has been an irritant of mine for thirty years.
The ex-congressman from Walton Beach, Florida is irate that Americans think they know what's best for Israel when no one knows better than Bibi Netanyahu, the warmongering right-wing hardliner and leader of the Likud Party.
More from Day 2 of the Israel Freakout:
"Why do you want to silence the leader of Israel?" Scarborough demanded of his co-host. Brzezinski proceeded undeterred.
"The very, very base of this is a bunch of men getting in the way of world affairs, because they're standing up to each other," Brzezinski said. "Let's get some women involved."
Scarborough refused to directly answer his co-host's questions and instead gave rambling answers involving Iran, terrorism and nuclear annihilation. But he quieted down when the rest of the panel began to take Brzezinski's side.
"What about the best interest of the United States?" panelist Mark Halperin asked. Willie Geist also questioned whether Netanyahu and Boehner had made the address to Congress into a "political spectacle."
But Scarborough's sole defender, financier Steve Rattner, told Brzezinski that "women have egos too."
"No, we're not stupid when our egos take charge. And this is stupid," (Mika) replied, adding that Scarborough was speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
She actually defended herself and said,
"I don't apologize, I think you're wrong," she said to Scarborough. "You have a lot of talents, political and media. And they're conflating."
The big issue Netanyahu wants to promote, in addition to pumping up his favorability ratings just two weeks before Israel's general election, is the demonization of Iran. Israel is promoting the false narrative that Iran is trying to eradicate the Israeli people when he (Ahmadinejad) actually meant he disapproved of the displacement of the Palestinian people in his speech in 2005. Many argue that Iran is trying to acquire nukes, but Israel can't expect Iran to forego the acquisition of this technology when Israel itself, Pakistan, India and most notoriously, the United States (who, lest anyone forget, has actually used nuclear weapons), all possess nukes and can intimidate those who aren't members of the "club."
Maybe it's time to see that the aggressor is the Republican Party and their demi-god Netanyahu? Perhaps Iran is in the right to want to be able to defend itself from warmongers like Bibi and the protocol-abhorring GOP?
Given all the bad blood between Iran and the United States going back sixty years, from the CIA orchestrated coup in 1953 to George W. Bush’s axis of evil speech in 2002, Iran has every reason to fear us. I mean, I don’t even trust us not to invade Iran. How do you think they feel? They don’t want a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel. They want one to keep from being destroyed by America.... Countries like Iran just want to be like us, safe from invading armies.
Meanwhile, Senator McCain is in Germany trying to drum up support for starting a war between the U.S. and Russia over the Ukraine, Sean Duffy (R-WI) was on MoJo to explain how we need boots on the ground in Syria, while Netanyahu would love nothing more than a holy war launched against Iran, courtesy of our military. The GOP should be the last group of people ANYONE listens to when they are speaking of how we should and shouldn't conduct our foreign policy.
The cheerleading and fawning over an Israeli leader, and the unprecedented disrespect for President Obama's foreign policy-protocol, should be something Bibi, Boehner and Scarborough regret. If there's any justice, Netanyahu should be handed a loss on March 17, but lest anyone get too optimistic, he's got Adelson cash. Don't hold your breath.