Morning Joe Is Appalled That President Obama Criticized Christianity

Joe Scarborough is incensed that President Obama would DARE criticize Christianity at the National Prayer Breakfast. "What church does HE go to?"

At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama mentioned historical examples of brutality carried out in the name of Jesus Christ, some from the Middle Ages and some much more recent, so of course, Joe Scarborough only heard "The Crusades." He is apoplectic that any United States President would EVER have the audacity to lump Christians with Muslims when it comes to the level of atrocities committed in the name of "God." The President said,

“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

The false equivalency and denial of real history was flying around the Mojo set like vultures over a dead carcass; and of course, Mika sat there and simply nodded her head in agreement. She knows her "place" and so she kept her feelings to herself. She may as well been holding pom poms and cheering his malevolence toward a truth-speaking president as if it were just terrific. It was enough to make anyone spit coffee all over the teevee.

He joins Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore (R) in his outrage. Gilmore accused the president of offending all Christians (as the prayer breakfast was designed to glorify Christianity at the expense of Muslims, dontcha know?)

"He has offended every believing Christian in the United States. This goes further to the point that Mr. Obama does not believe in America or the values we all share.”

The Morning Awful host went on, ad nauseum, as he is wont to do, trying to debunk the president's remarks. The values this pseudo-Christian, practically Muslim president holds are un-American. Here are a few of his more salient complaints.

"You see this when you have people that somehow want to paint a broad brush, 'yes, Radical Islam's bad Muslims are bad but look what Christianity does, really, you have to go back 700, 800, 900 years? The Crusades, that most historians say, were launched in response to years and years of Muslims taking over their former land...Why does he feel the need to go back 800 years?...This Stupid. Left Wing. Moral equivalency. Sometimes you can just say, hey, you know what, there are some really, really bad Muslim don't have to say, Christians are bad too. There is somehow a desperate plea for some people on the Left to do that...(and here's where it all was going) 'you almost have to ask the question, where did he go to church? Where would he get SUCH IDEAS from!'

His lapdog, Mike Barnicle said in acquiescence, "he's certainly made better speeches."

He mocked any attempt after 9/11 to show there are extremists in Christianity and Judaism (but hey, don't bring up Israeli-Palestinian Apartheid or Christians like McVeigh or Koresh). Those are simply off limits. He forgot that the defense of slavery was based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The slaveholding South stretched the truth and claimed that Jesus permitted slavery. He forgot that Jim Crow was only a half century ago. He also neglects to mention Ferguson, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement that seems to be ignored by Republicans nationwide. The traditions of the Antebellum South have certainly not been forgotten, except by MoJo.

In his beady-eyed, narrow mind, he thinks this makes the Left, or as he puts it so obnoxiously, pseudo-intellectual Liberals, look bad. Sam Stein denounced the president for reiterating the broader points that extremism exists, but with ISIS all around, the timing (of the president's remarks) was ill-conceived. How dare he say things derogatory, but true about Christianity. This is how Sam Stein keeps his gig on MoJo, obviously.

The Prayer Breakfast speech, as far as many thinking, pseudo-intellectuals like myself, was a refreshing change from the myopic perspective that Christianity is infallible. The unacceptable arrogance that Christians, who are human beings, as are Muslims, are above reproach is not just wrong, it's dangerous. I suppose Republicans are being consistent as they have proven themselves to be very hazardous to our country.

The King James Bible, 1 John 1:8, reads,

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

I guess Scarborough is no follower of Jesus, and I'm sure there are many, some no longer living, who can attest to that.

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