Nevada Assembly Majority Leader Fiore: Fungus Equals Cancer

The NV Majority Leader Bimbo strikes again. This time, gun-crazed harpy Michele Fiore, confuses cancer with fungi.

In another stunning display of Teabagged-idiocy, Nevada Assembly Majority Leader and soft pornography star, Michele Fiore, claims that Cancer is merely a fungus. On her radio show, Walk the Talk, she told her listeners:

“If you have cancer, which I believe is a fungus, and we can put a pic line into your body and we’re flushing, let’s say, salt water, sodium cardonate [sic], through that line, and flushing out the fungus… These are some procedures that are not FDA-approved in America that are very inexpensive, cost-effective.”

Jesus Christ lady, give it a rest. You are the least qualified person to discuss epidemiology. As expected, she'll drone on ad nauseum about things she has no business talking about because she's an ardent Teabagger/Republican who couldn't care less about education. She's often praised by anti-education Tea Partiers who refuse to pay their fair share to keep our kids educated. Her healthcare company that provides home health care has seven figures in liens filed against it. Yep, she's another Nevada Republican with lots of dirty laundry.

Lest anyone forget, Fiore is also the total moron who said,

"If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I wonder how many men will want to assault them. The sexual assaults that are occurring would go down once these sexual predators get a bullet in their head."

Michele Fiore (left) sick and tired of the state’s left-wingers limiting Nevadans’ Second Amendment rights

Her original claim to fame came on Chris Hayes' show when she staunchly defended racist tax-evader and devout Mormon, Cliven Bundy. She called BLM agents “Nazi-minded” bullies. While calling the BLM agents all sorts of derogatory names, she was doing the NRA's bidding by making guns much more accessible.

This kind of idiotic rhetoric is what we've grown accustomed to in my state of Nevada. I'm glad the national media is giving this kind of abject foolishness the notoriety it so richly deserves. Maybe next election, Nevadans will know who they may be putting into office. She's one of the crazy Republicans who's in charge of our Nevada Assembly, and that should terrify every rational voter in this state.

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