Sanctimonious Fox News Thrilled That 'Under God' Kept In The Pledge

A New Jersey student wins her "battle" to keep under god in the pledge after atheists claim it violates the establishment clause (which it does).

Fox News is the champion of the sanctimonious Christian crowd who feels it's paramount to keep god in everything, especially a government founded by our secular forefathers. Since Reagan's Moral Majority legitimized the fundamentalist Christianity movement, which featured the whole End Times Rapture insanity, this garbage has been creeping in to legislation nationwide. They have launched several mini-crusades to keep god in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was composed in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, but the phrase 'under God' was not added for around 50 years. In 1951, the Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words 'under God' in the Pledge. It then became a mainstay in schools and institutions across the country.The introduction of 'under God' in the 1950s was done during the Cold War, as a way to differentiate the U.S. from the concept of communist state atheism, according to author Scott Merriman.

Back in September, Fox News featured this "brave" student, Samantha Jones, who stood up for her beliefs and fought the efforts by those mean atheists who want the phrase removed from the daily homage to our flag. Today, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, fine Republican, Christian-Supremacist, recalls when a representative of the American Humanist Association (Roy Speckhardt) made the case for not saying "under god:"

"You're basically saying, um, say the pledge and participate in this oath, that you don't believe in because of those words that were inserted, or don't say the pledge and risk being ostracized and bullied because you don't believe as others believe."

The verdict of the "case" is that the court decided to affirm this right to say under god, pending the appeal of the Humanist Association. So Elisabeth concluded that she is WINNING. Then the two discussed the "abuse" she's received on Facebook. Here's the appalling comment.

Poor Samantha! Such "abuse."

Fox News' token, blonde female of their morning "news" program is always the champion of the poor, maligned Christian. Since that dreadful Prayer Breakfast, when President Obama spoke the truth (that no one should be on their high horse and claim their own religious supremacy, as all have sordid histories), Fox News is leading the charge to get that true statement to be as discredited as their own "news" reputation.
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