So Christie Wants To Hold Staff Funding Hostage To Extort Profits From Any Book

After NJ Advance Media reported about the bill, discussions went quiet for a month.

You have to love how consistently greedy and self-serving this crook is. So legislators will get more staff and judges get a raise when they rewrite the ethics rules to Christie's benefit? Sounds like extortion to me! If that doesn't speak to the character of this posturing ass, I don't know what else will:

TRENTON — Every winning presidential candidate in the last 60 years has first published a book. So where is Gov. Chris Christie's?

A top New York literary agent with knowledge of Christie's plans says the problem is money - specifically, who'd get the proceeds from the sale of any book aimed at positioning Christie for a 2016 run.

"I've been trying to get to Chris Christie to see if he'd write a book," said Sloan Harris, the head of the book department at ICM Partners, one of the preeminent literary agencies in New York. "I've talked to a lot of people in his camp, and I know that money - and the disposition of money - was of paramount importance to him."

Under New Jersey state law, a sitting governor is barred from "receiving or agreeing to receive, whether directly or indirectly, any compensation, salary, honorarium, fee, or other form of income from any source, other than the compensation paid or reimbursed to him/her by the State for the performance of official duties."

But that could change in the coming weeks or months.

Late last year, lawmakers worked on a deal that would rewrite the law to allow Christie to profit from a book deal in exchange for more money for legislative staff and judicial salaries.

After NJ Advance Media reported about the bill, discussions went quiet for a month.

However, the sponsor of a previous bill to allow governors to make money from book deals, Assemblyman John Burzichelli (D-Gloucester), says that could change if the governor wants it badly enough.

"First, the book deal was in, then it was out, and last I heard it was back in," said Burzichelli, in an interview with NJ Advance Media, "The need (for greater legislative staff and judicial salary allotments) is there, but I don't think everything is in place for it yet. Maybe it gets bundled up in the final weeks of the annual budget (negotiations). That's when a lot of wacky stuff happens. If it were going to resurface, it might happen then."

ICM's Harris declined to say with whom he'd spoken on the governor's campaign staff or what sort of sum a Christie-penned book might fetch, citing confidentiality agreements. Christie's campaign adviser, Mike Duhaime, did not return several calls and texts seeking comment.

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