Stewart Mocks Conservatives For Wanting 'Military Porn Talk' From Obama On ISIS

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart laid into those on the right like Donald Trump, who are constantly screaming for more tough talk, plans or no plans, on how to deal with ISIS.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart laid into those on the right like Donald Trump, who are constantly screaming for more tough talk, plans or no plans, on how to deal with ISIS.

Stewart opened up the segment by showing clips of the talking heads on the right continually complaining about President Obama's unwillingness to use the term "radical Islam" and the fact that President Obama has been foolish enough to still believe that he can actually reason with these idiots and he had a name for Obama's problem.

STEWART: Look, we do need a straight answer on this whole no-say Islam thing Mr. President. Please explain. [...]

Oh god. Six years into his presidency, six and a half years into his presidency and this man still thinks that he can persuade us through reasoned argument. Have you met us? Oh, you have a rationale. I withdraw my freakout. [...]

But that's always been Obama's problem. Obama thinks if he just sits down and explains things to us in a calm, reasoned slightly annoyed tone, everyone will get it.

It’s what the medical community calls MSNBC-itis. It’s a condition where one uses facts and research to refute opponents, delivered whilst bespectacled, in a tone suggesting you can’t believe you have to explain this to these f**king idiots again. Symptoms include cancellation.

Stewart went onto explain what it is that conservatives and the right really want: Jon Stewart: Conservatives don’t want anti-ISIS strategy from Obama — ‘just military porn talk’:

Conservatives like Donald Trump will never be satisfied with an actual plan to fight groups like the Islamic State (ISIS), Jon Stewart said on Monday. Instead, they prefer sounding tough above all else.

“No details, no strategy — just military porn talk,” Stewart said, impersonating Trump. “The president’s gotta go balls deep into ISIS in every orifice possible all night long until it screams with surrender — like most things that have spent the night with me — it’ll wish it had never been f*cking born.”

The issue, Stewart said, was one of tone. He said that Republicans and critics would look at Obama’s remarks in a different light if they looked more outwardly “patriotic,” and showed some examples. [...]

But unlike Trump, who is content to say he “would go very, very hard and very, very strong” and score easy points with Fox, Stewart explained, the president was losing points by outlining the objectives conservatives say they want without any of the bluster.


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