Target Worker Stops To Teach A Young Man How To Tie A Tie For Job Interview

The store only sells regular ties, so the employee stopped what he was doing and gave him a quick lesson.

Target Worker Stops To Teach A Young Man How To Tie A Tie For Job Interview

I am so happy to hear about the many good people like this. This Target worker could have just said, "Sorry, that's the only kind we sell," but he didn't. He took a moment out of his day to help a young man on an important day. Good for him!

A random act of kindness may help one young man get a job.

A shopper named Audrey snapped a photo of the worker and customer at the Triangle Town Center store in Raleigh, N.C.

The boy, there ahead of a job interview, stopped by to pick up a clip-on tie. What could have been a hiccup in his day turned into a warm moment now seen by thousands of people.

The store only sells regular ties, so the employee stopped what he was doing and gave him a quick lesson. Audrey then saw them practice handshakes and interview questions before the teen went on his way. Some might call it Southern manners. Others would say it's just plain humanity.

"As the kid exited the store, a bunch of supportive Target team members cheered him on!" she wrote on the Facebook page.

The photo, as of this writing, has more than 40,000 likes and almost 3,000 shares.

"I was in Target while the employees were helping this young man," another shopper, Burnita Matthews, commented on the photo. "This picture cannot convey the warmth and kindness in their voices as they worked with him."

Other Facebook users are praising the teen and wishing him well.

"A teenager who shows up for a job interview in a suit and tie??? He deserves whatever job he is applying for!" wrote Rhawnie Mejia.

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