Wisconsin H.S.Government Class: Republicans 'Don't Care About The Poor'

Imagine the outrage at Fox News when a suburban Milwaukee high school government class labels the GOP the party that doesn't give a rat's ass about the poor. Hilarity ensues.

Surprise! A mother who is a member of the Solidarity for Scott Walker Facebook page is outraged that her son was given an anonymous political spectrum survey that labeled the GOP "the party that doesn't care about the poor." Heather Bronnson was deeply offended by this assertion, most likely because the truth hurts. One of the statements,

“We should not help the poor, it’s a waste of money,” was intended to be a typical Republican position. Her son is a junior at Nathan Hale High School in West Allis, Wis., and she says he came across the statement in a class on government and politics.
The mother told Fox that she was appalled by the association.
“I don’t know any political party that espouses not helping the poor,” she said. “I was shocked and then I was very angry.”

The Wisconsin Republican mom then she got in her gas guzzling SUV and turned on Rush Limbaugh. Okay, I made that last part up, but I'm sure it could happen.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the defender of Republicans from people who reveal Republican evil, was shocked that a school would have the audacity to tell the truth. As a fan of Walker, this irate mother thinks the Republican Governor hasn't done a thing to harm the poor. Heather said her son said,

'In order to give a "right" answer, he would have to lie.'

This mom told a local news station: “If a 16-year-old believes that a Republican or conservative doesn’t believe in helping the poor, they may view themselves as liberals at a young age … and incorrectly." Did you catch that she lives in the home state of the Koch Brothers' dream candidate, Scott Walker? Click here for an endless array of examples of his pure malevolence. His latest trick? He's going after the funding that helps the frail elderly, disabled adults and disabled children.

I suppose I could go on forever about the pure, delicious irony of the story, but I think we get the gist. Way to go Fox News, way to miss the point that the real problem is the GOP's putrid treatment of the poor, not a teacher explaining to future voters who's who in politics. This is especially important in this state where a GOP Governor like Scott Walker has been disgustingly evil to poor people and teachers alike.

Maybe if there were more students educated on which party cares about humanity and which party wants to incinerate the planet as soon as possible to make way for Jesus Part II, we wouldn't have a Scott Walker elected to any office. Republicans like Walker are just paving the way for future measles-infected, gun-toting Teabagger voters to help him destroy this nation faster than any outside terrorist group ever could.

H/T Capper. Follow him on Twitter.

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