Working Families Party Urges Elizabeth Warren To Run For President
“We know a champion for working families when we see one,” Bill Lipton, New York State director of the Working Families Party, said.
At what point does this stop being an effective strategy and turns into wishing for a pony? Bernie Sanders seems to be planning a run, and is even more progressive, yet he doesn't seem to inspire the same rabid devotion (despite her many, many denials that she's running) Warren does. Why?
Leaders of New York’s Working Families Party on Sunday urged SenatorElizabeth Warren of Massachusetts to seek the Democratic nomination for president next year, formally calling on her to enter the 2016 race for the White House.
By voting to encourage a Warren candidacy, the Working Families Partybecame the latest liberal group to support her as a potential primary challenger to former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has not formally announced that she will seek the Democratic nomination but is the presumed favorite.
Several organizations on the left, led by and Democracy for America, have already organized a campaign designed to lure Ms. Warren, with her brand of economic populism, into making a bid for the presidency.
“We know a champion for working families when we see one,” Bill Lipton, New York State director of the Working Families Party, said. “The only thing better than watching Elizabeth Warren take Wall Street to task from the Senate would be helping her bring our issues to the center of the national debate.”
Ms. Warren, who is beloved among liberals as a fierce critic of what she sees as the abuses of the financial industry, has repeatedly ruled out running for president in 2016. Lacey Rose, a spokeswoman for the senator, reiterated that stance in an email on Sunday. “As Senator Warren has said many times, she is not running for president and doesn’t support these draft campaigns,” Ms. Rose wrote.