Bill Maher Hits GOP For Double Standard On 'Death Tax'
Bill Maher took a shot at hypocritical Republicans who claim they want everyone to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps during his New Rules segment this Friday.
Real Time's Bill Maher took a whack at the Republicans and their double standard when it comes to the value of work and someone pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, unless of course it comes from inherited wealth.
MAHER: And finally New Rule, someone has to explain to me why Republicans believe that not working and getting free money, you know, like the takers, is the worst, most corrupting thing that could ever happen to a person, except if you're rich.
The very first thing our new Republican Congress tried to do was get rid of any tax on inherited wealth, which they call the death tax, although really, what better time is there to pay a tax than when you're dead? Yeah, we used to understand that and the estate tax used to be pretty high, but then President George W. Bush came along and worked tirelessly to make sure that rich entitled trust fund brats got every penny that was coming to them.
I wonder where he got the idea to reward dumb asses who leach off their dad's success?
Maher went onto lambast a couple of the worst examples of what happens to people who have way too much money handed to them at a young age, such as Conrad Hilton and Kylie Jenner.
If Maher was going to mention Paul Ryan as he did here, he should have brought up the fact that Ryan is a huge flaming hypocrite on this issue for more than just his stance on lowering the inheritance tax while opining over the "generation of men" we have who haven't "learned the value of work." The Zombie-Eyed Granny-Starver (h/t Charlie Pierce) was also raised with the help of Social Security survivor benefits, but now wants to privatize them and slash them for everyone else. Typical case of I've got mine and screw the rest of you.