Bob Schieffer: Today In 'Both Sides' Do It
Bob Schieffer takes his turn playing the false equivalency game with President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer treated his audience to his version of Ron Fournier telling President Obama to "act like the adult in the room" and "put on his big boy pants" or Joe Scarborough saying what a "great opportunity" this is for President Obama to "be the bigger man" following Netanyahu's petulance during his reelection campaign.
SCHIEFFER: So, the prime minister of Israel doesn't like the president, and has decided dealing with this administration is no walk in the park. I get that. There are some in Washington, including some Democrats, who feel the same way.
And the president thinks the prime minister dissed him when he spoke to the joint session of Congress without a presidential invitation. I get that, too. It was not just rude, but disrespectful to the office.
And, yes, I can understand why the president would be upset when the prime minister blindsided him and said he no longer favored the creation of a Palestinian state, long favored by the United States and Israel.
Yet, when the prime minister backed away from that Thursday, the White House reacted with pointed, even snarky skepticism, as if they wanted to keep the public fight going. I question that. Sure, the White House is upset, but let's remember what's important here, and it is not who gets the last word on Twitter. There have been hard-to-take insults from both sides, but the relationship between Israel and America is unique. And Israel is the only true democracy in that part of the world. We need Israel, and Israel needs us. It's time to stop the back and forth and repair the alliance quietly.
Nothing makes America and Israel's enemies happy than believing the relationship between Israel and America is unraveling. And, right now, they have to wonder.
Our relationship is "unique" alright, since they seem to be the only other country allowed to dictate United States' foreign policy. It's long past time to reevaluate that relationship and the damage it's done to our country.