James Carville To Mrs. Greenspan: 'There's One Set Of Rules For The Clintons, Another For Everyone Else'

Nobody sums up the right wing like James Carville!

I'm glad they had someone like James Carville on to put Mrs. Greenspan's talking points in perspective.

ANDREA MITCHELL, NBC NEWS: Isn't it time for Hillary Clinton to speak out? If you were advising her, should she address these issues?

JAMES CARVILLE: I wouldn't -- I don't know exactly -- it was legal. It wasn't against regulations.

Colin Powell and Jeb Bush did the same thing, but oh, my God. Do you remember Whitewater? Do you remember Foulgate? Do you remember Travelgate? Do you remember Pardongate? Do you remember Benghazi?

All of this is just the same cockamamie stuff that we go through.

The Times gets something from right-wing talking points. They print the story. They've got to walk the story back. And everybody -- the chin scratchers go 'Oh, my God. The story's not right, but it says something larger about the Clintons.'

This is never gonna end. We've lived with this for 20 years. We'll live with it for the rest of the campaign. It's all about nothing. That's my view of the whole thing.

When Mrs. Greenspan pushes back, Carville talks about the story the Times did about a mobile weapons lab "that they got from Dick Cheney." Well, Mrs. Greenspan practically blew an aneurysm.

"There's one set of rules for the Clintons, and there's another one for everyone else," the raging Cajun said. He's right.

I can't find the transcript, so just watch the whole damned thing.

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