Cosmic Insight ~ Divine Distortions

Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

Cosmic Insight ~ Divine Distortions

Mercury (thoughts, communications, travel) recently joined Sun and Neptune in the imaginative realm of Pisces on Thursday March 12. During the next three weeks, there can be a hint of woozy/grogginess, dizzy confusion, as well as heightened sensitivity.

We’re cosmically inspired to look for what we’re searching for, from a different view of our surroundings. During this changing cycle, vision can blur, as words slur, gently swaying to move our direction.

My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected. Anna M. Uhlich

What we’ve been thinking of, now seems frail or maybe even infected. What we thought we’ve been learning, doesn’t quite make any logical sense. A sense of suffering, guilt or unworthiness softly whispers something to us, which draws us into deep imagination with divine intuition. What we know, is beginning to shift – and it’s going to be take a sharp right up ahead. And in this Mercury Pisces quest, we’ll be streaming information from many directions, as we find our way through these cloudy, psychedelic waters. The thoughts we’ve been holding onto are easily forgiven and surrendered, while traveling through magical waters of hallucinations, forgotten memories and mystical insights.

I am you; you are ME. You are the waves; I am the ocean. Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thoughts and communications are slippery and wet. We can slither right through locked doors and creative blocks – if we’re willing to forfeit and sacrifice – to flow in total flexibility. Let go of what weighs heavy on the mind, if you hope to escape rigid beliefs and stubborn limitations. Seek a softer way of viewing life, relationships and current issues, by exploring artistic pursuits like creative journaling, scrapbooking, meditation, sleep, romance, poetry, daydreaming, music, compassion, forgiveness, spirituality, healing and reaching out to touch others.

Be like water. Bruce Lee

Embrace the divine interferences that seem to be currently distorting and misleading your current vision or path. Your personal song is buried in the oceanic depths of your heart, so be available to it, and listen. Tarot insight from AceWands/ThreePents; Adventure into what you do best. For more information about the author, or for a personalized consult, click here.

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