How Nevada Teabaggers Plan To Eradicate Nevada BLM
Ammon Bundy, the once tasered son of Cliven and gun crazy Michele Fiore want the Nevada's Resource Rights Bill passed, so there is no BLM.

You would think a letter sent to constituents would be spell checked, but you'd be wrong if you were referencing a Tea Party letter.
Show up in Carson City, March 31st at 9 am. Over 15 Nevada State Legislators {sic Crazy Republican} sponsored the NRR (The Nevada Resource Rights) bill and have asked that we fill the house during the committee hearing. We must show up in person and make our presents known.
Is that a call to bring gifts? Holy moly, the inmates are running the asylum.
We all remember the Bundy standoff a year ago, where we saw insanity like this.

An opposition group to the pro-Bundy crowd posts this:
This kind of nonsense needs to stop. The land in question, and ALL the resources including our wild horses and burros, belong to ALL Americans. If the state controlled federal land you could say good-bye to any protections for historic sites, ground water, protected wildlife and wild horses. If you read the “manifesto” of the ill fated “Grass March” you will see the agenda.
This Assembly Bill essentially attempts to take over federal land. Although against the Constitution of the State of Nevada (all state government officials swear on this when taking their oath of office) this type of maneuvering shows itself in one form or another repeatedly (like the recently dropped SB235 that would have excluded wild horses from the definition of “wildlife” in essence making their use of water illegal).
The Nevada Resource Rights Bill is sponsored by Assembly members Dickman, Seaman and of course, harpy extraordinaire, Fiore. They just want all the federally protected land to go into the hands of tax evaders like the Bundy Bunch. If you attend their protest in Carson City on March 31, expect to see the same nutcases armed to the teeth that you saw at the April 2014 stand off. Hopefully, another Jared or Amanda Miller won't emerge from this group to gun down unsuspecting law enforcement. This is what happens when Nevadans and Americans stay home for the midterm elections.