Fox News' Ralph Peters Calls President Obama 'A Good Little Leftist'

Let's hop aboard the 'Crazy Train' with Lt.Colonel Ralph Peters.

Much like Dick Cheney, Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters excoriated President Obama's six years as President. He gives a few reasons why he feels this way, and his assertions become increasingly nutty as he goes along. He begins his tirade,

"There's no question, that President Obama has done tremendous damage and he's done it for a variety of reasons."

Peters is of course, comparing the economy and the unemployment figures from when Obama took office in 2009 up until now, and we've seen so much damage, that unemployment is at record lows, and job creation has exceeded predictions. Obviously, the lt. colonel has had a huge problem with Obama's presidency from the outset. Peters starts building his case based on lie after lie. He continues,

"I believe his worldview is farther to the left than even President Obama himself consciously even realizes."

"Secondly, like a good little leftist, he never studied history, he never had an interest in it, he doesn't know it. So, you see him making all these gaffes about the Crusades and all this nonsense, but if you do not know history, you're playing to the left wing dogma that America is bad. And all you hear is ooo slavery, ooo we dropped atom bombs, ooo Vietnam, ooo we support all those Israeli imperialists."

It's pretty insane to accuse someone with President Obama's educational background and teaching bona fides as being disinterested and ignorant of history. I like the way Peters trivializes the sordid history of slavery and the unspeakable act of dropping nuclear bombs on Japan as if they were just minor faux pas.
His lunacy soldiered on,

"...but his greatest failing, that he's been unwilling and unable to learn in six years, this is a man who appears to have learned NOTHING, but obsesses on his original intent: close Guantanamo, rapprochement with Iran, respect Islam and et cetera."

It's amazing how he was able to pass health care reform, save the U.S. auto industry, restore the Stock Market to record highs and manage to get the biggest villain in U.S. history without even trying! Peters has arbitrarily identified the President as an apologist of anything and everything Islam, because he's a secret Muslim.

He rambled on for two full minutes essentially blaming President Obama for our horrible standing on the world stage and claiming that our enemies no longer fear us. He took Dick Cheney's baseless claims and doubled down with an extra helping of crazy. I guess he was being a good little Fascist.

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