Gov. Brownback: Anti-Abortion Laws Grow The Economy!

Brownback said his decision to sign around a dozen “pro-life bills” is part of the reason that his state is growing. Even though it isn't.

You know, I have had this abortion discussion with people. And when I say that the right wing wants larger, poorer families so corporations have desperate workers who will take what little they can get, I'm told I'm "crazy" or "paranoid." You can't be paranoid enough when you're dealing with wingnuts:

But none of this seems to have bothered Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, who hailed [Gov. Sam] Brownback’s experiment on last weekend’s edition of “Washington Watch,” telling the Republican governor that his anti-abortion rights policies deserve some credit in shaping the state’s (mythical) economic success.

Brownback agreed, telling Perkins that his decision to sign around a dozen “pro-life bills” is part of the reason that his state is growing.

“What you’re showing in Kansas is that you can have a pro-family agenda and at the same time a pro-economic growth agenda and the two are not — rather than being mutually exclusive, they are entwined with one another,” Perkins gushed.

“They really support each other,” Brownback concurred. “One of the problems we have in the country is we’re not forming enough families.”

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