Lindsey Graham Blames Iran For Destabilizing The Middle East

Sen. Lindsey Graham continued beating the war drums with Iran on this Sunday's Meet the Press.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has never met a military intervention he didn't want to escalate or a conflict he didn't want the United States to insert itself in appeared on his gazillionth Sunday bobble head show this weekend to once again beat the war drums with Iran, which he's been doing for years now every time someone allows him anywhere near a microphone.

As often as I've heard most of his spiel over and over again, there was one claim he made that I had not heard before and that was his assertion that Iran, not the United States, is responsible for destabilizing the Middle East. And par for the course, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd let it slip on by without an ounce of push back.

TODD: But right now, is Iraq our ally? And if Iraq's our ally, Iraq considers Iran an ally, do they not?

GRAHAM: Whose our enemy? ISIL's our enemy. Iran is our enemy. The senior leaders...

TODD: Straight forward. Iran is our enemy.

GRAHAM: Yes. Iran is our enemy. They're a cold blooded cruel regime that killed American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're the leading state sponsor of terrorism. They destabilized the region. They're building ICBMs. They've tried to create a nuclear program, not a peaceful nuclear power plant. They're the enemy of us.

They're an evil regime. The president and the foreign minister are moderates masquerading as, trying to be moderates when they're not. This is not a moderate regime. If they get more money Chuck from sanction relief, what would they do with it? Build schools and hospitals? No, they would advance their religious cause. They're the root cause of this problem in the Mid-East as much as ISIL. I fear them more than I fear ISIL.


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