Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

9/11 exploiter Rudy Giuliani is the worst ex-mayor in American history. Discuss.

At the very least, can we agree that Giuliani is now not so much "America's Mayor" as he is "America's Hack," and in that regard is very much a reflection of everyday Republicans?

But at least he's not running for president, however egomaniacal he may still be. The same cannot be said for Chris Christie, whose approval rating is tanking in New Jersey polls, and Rick Perry, who now wears glasses in an effort to come across as something other than stupid.

And let's not forget "Dr." Ben Carson, who thinks prison makes you gay and whose credibility with the wingnuts (i.e., GOP primary voters) is as intact as ever.

Meanwhile, their party is hopelessly factionalized, the divisions getting deeper and more acrimonious with each defeat, like the pathetic attempt to hold DHS funding hostage in order to screw immigrants.

And there's little hope on the horizon for Republicans. The somewhat pragmatic (if also crazy-enabling) establishment needs to kick out the crazies, but such a re-centering cleanse is unlikely given the power of the wingnuts, and of course any such cleansing would be bloody.

So is the Republican Party a comedy, a tragedy, a farce, a civil war waiting to happen, an oozing pustule on the right buttock of western civilization? All of the above?

Grab the popcorn. Enjoy the show.

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.

Send requests and suggestions to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).

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