Netanyahu Pretends He Meant No Disrespect Towards Obama With U.S. Address

Bibi does not trust our negotiations with Iran, yet he claims his uninvited speech in front of Congress meant no disrespect.

Let's face it, Netanyahu has made it abundantly clear he does not have any faith in the multi-national talks regarding Iran's nuclear potential. It was a tremendous slap in the face to the Obama Administration essentially purporting the notion that only Netanyahu knows best. He has said, for two decades now, Iran has "cheated and bamboozled inspectors" yet provides no evidence of such deception. Netanyahu expects Iran to downsize their current nuclear program and will accept nothing the President of the United States decides (but doesn't say exactly that, but we know all too well what he wants: to call all the shots).

The Jerusalem Press reports:

While the Israeli premier said he wants a "breakout" time longer than a year— the official and public US position— he declined to issue a specific amount of time acceptable to his government.

(Netanyahu): "In a year, anything could happen," he said, noting that Israel's preference was to prevent Iran from enriching any material on its own soil. "You could have international crises. They could get away with it."
President Barack Obama also spoke with CBS News this weekend from Selma, Alabama, where he also answered questions on the nuclear talks.

"If we cannot verify that they are not going to obtain a nuclear weapon, that there's a breakout period so that even if they cheated we would be able to have enough time to take action. If we don't have that kind of deal, then we're not going to take it," Obama told interviewer Bill Plante. "I think it is fair to say there is an urgency, because we now have been negotiating for well over a year."

Building this up to cataclysmic proportions, the hardliner Likudnik complains to Schieffer,

"I think the current proposal, as I understand it, enables Iran to have a vast nuclear infrastructure which means a very short breakout time to the bomb, and secondly it lifts the restrictions after a decade...they could have an arsenal of many, many bombs with an intercontinental ballistic missile to deliver those bombs...we need to have a change in Iran's behavior in to have it stop instigating aggression with its neighbors and stop threatening the annihilation of Israel."

We'd hate for Iran to behave like Israel behaves with the Palestinians, right? Then Schieffer asks Netanyahu about this tweet sent out by the White House National Security Account.

Schieffer asked Bibi, "Were you offended by Fareed Zakaria's article?" He asserted how it's as true today as it was 25 years ago.

"If we let our guard down now, it will have the weapon."

Since he's been saying this for over two decades, it's impossible not to experience déjà vu. Schieffer brings up the assertion by the White House that we will provide our Arab allies with a Nuclear Umbrella if they are threatened in any way by Iran. Bibi assumes, one, that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, so why offer Gulf States nuclear protection and two ,it signals a shift in U.S. policy from preventing a nuclear Iran to containing one and that's not good.

Schieffer asks,

"You knew it was going to be controversial when you decided to come to the United States and make the speech to the joint session, do you feel that it was successful?"

Bibi replied,

"I knew it would be difficult, I certainly didn't have any intent to having a partisan position and I certainly didn't mean any disrespect to the president or anyone else but I came because as Prime Minister of Israel, because I felt I had an obligation to speak before (the U.S.) Congress and they have an important role in this, before the deal was signed."

Unless Netanyahu and his Likudnik war-mongers can exercise unlimited hegemony in the region and guarantee Iran will never be within less than one year of developing the "bomb"(although he never specifies a method that is to his liking), he will not be satisfied. If circumventing proper diplomatic channels is the only way he can achieve his aims and, he hopes, emerge victorious from looming elections on March 17, by golly, he will do as he pleases. After all, the GOP-led Congress has practically said they wish the President of the United States was actually the Prime Minister of Israel. Don't forget, though, they are the real patriots.

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