Petraeus Will Go Unpunished Because 'He Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried.'
Independent journalist Marcy Wheeler says General Petraeus is going unpunished for his crimes because "He knows where the bodies are buried!"

Former Army general and CIA director, David Petraeus admitted to giving highly-classified journals to his onetime girlfriend/biographer, and then lying to the FBI about it. Lying to FBI agents is a federal crime for which some people have spent months or oftentimes more than a year in jail. Thanks to a deal with federal prosecutors, Petraeus only has to plead guilty to a single misdemeanor that will not involve a jail sentence. As The New York Times noted recently, the deal “allows Mr. Petraeus to focus on his lucrative post-government career as a partner in a private equity firm and a worldwide speaker on national security issues.”
The deal is a prime example of senior officials getting a slap on the wrist for things lower-level officials have been severely punished, and even completely ruined over. But why? According to independent journalist Marcy Wheeler, it's because "he knows where the bodies are buried."
Listen here to a brief segment of Marcy Wheeler appearing on The Julianna Forlano Show on The Progressive Voices Radio Network:
For the full episode go here: