Ready For The Bibi Drinking Game?

Whenever he says "nuclear weapons" or "security," drink!

Oh, won't this be fun!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of Congress in Washington, D.C. on the morning of Tuesday, March 3 in a speech scheduled for 11 a.m. EST. The address, which was arranged by Republican leaders without the knowledge of the Obama administration, has exposed tensions in the relationship between the prime minister and President Barack Obama.

During his address Tuesday, Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to criticize the Obama administration’s efforts to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry opened a new round of talks in Geneva Monday aimed at reaching an agreement with Iran over the country’s nuclear program before a deadline set for later this month.

Via Global Post, here's your drinking game:

Bibi wears a blue tie — 1 drink

Emphasizes his "respect" for Obama and for the office of the president — 1 drink

Mentions "bipartisan" support for Israel among US lawmakers — 1 drink (+1 bonus for the phrase "both sides of the aisle")

Explains the purpose of the speech he's in the process of giving — 1 drink

Explains what ISN'T the purpose of the speech, such as, ya know, undermining the US president — 2 drinks

Calls US relationship with Israel "special" — 1 drink

Calls the relationship "strong" — 1 drink

"Stronger than ever" — 2 drinks

Says US support for Israel is "steadfast" — 2 drinks

Uses the phrase "shoulder to shoulder" — 1 drink

"Shared dream" — 1 drink

"Common values" — 1 drink

"Shared dream and common values" — 3 drinks

Calls US and Israel "friends" — 1 drink (+1 bonus if he upgrades it to "family')

Standing ovation (Republicans only) — 1 drink

Standing ovation (Democrats only) — 3 drinks

Standing ovation (whole chamber) — 0 drinks, have some water and stay hydrated because this is going to take a while

Standing ovation (partial, not fully committed, ambivalent) — 1 drink

John Boehner cries — 1 drink, throw something at TV

Bibi claps along as audience applauds him — 3 drinks

Notes "important differences" between US and Israel — 1 drink

Waves from podium — 1 drink

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