School Choice Group Uses Kids As Props At WI Budget Hearing
Education profiteers add a whole new meaning to the term "classless"
It's budget time in Wisconsin.
By now, the gentle reader has heard of the many horrible things that Scott Walker is proposing in his budget, which is in reality nothing more than another campaign stunt for him. Walker is proposing to drastically reduce environmental protections, disembowel the University of Wisconsin system, privatize programs meant to support the disabled and the elderly, and finish of public education, forcing kids into private schools.
On Friday, the state legislature's Joint Finance Committee held their second public listening session in the Milwaukee area. The citizens gathered together to address the many wrong things that Walker wants to do to the state and its citizens.
A noteworthy event happened just hours into the session, when the special interests pushing for the decimation of public education and the padding of their profits brought in a score or so of private school children to use as props in their push for more taxpayer money.
Can you imagine the reaction if the public schools pulled such a stunt?
As State Senator Chris Larson points out on his Facebook page, can you imagine what the reaction would be if the Milwaukee Public Schools pulled kids out of class to pander to the committee for more money? The right wing squawkers and propagandists would be foaming at the mouth for weeks in their faux outrage. It would undoubtedly make it to the national level as Faux News, Drudge and Breitbart all clutched their pearls and fell back on their fainting couches at the abuse of tax dollars.
Yeah, but even though the
brainwashingeducation of these children are also being funded by taxpayers, don't hold your breath for any of the right wingers to say even one word about this. That would require integrity and intellectual honesty, things that they are clearly lacking.