Scott Walker's Foreign Policy Is Not Ready For Prime Time

Syria is our ally and ISIS is Al Qaeda and a plethora of foreign policy blunders he has no idea he is making.

Just what this country needs: another Republican who cannot correctly pronounce nuclear. Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker, enemy of unions, women, education and the poor, thinks he has enough knowledge about this world to be the Commander in Chief.

Scott Brown asks,

"It seems like our foreign policy's actually upside down, what would you do differently that the president and this administration's not doing.

Walker replies,

"It seems like that movie back to the 80's, "Trading Places," where Israel's our ally, Iran is not, and yet this administration is always doing the opposite direction. I think we need to be aggressive..."

Then he proceeds to mispronounce nuclear a few more times. Then Scott Brown tells Walker that this president seems to want to conduct negotiations with foreign countries and do things without telling the Congress, like every other president has always done, but this guy is black (if they had just said it, we could respect their honesty, but of course, they speak in code). So Walker says, "If this is a good deal and if it's going to ultimately be something that's legally binding, then the Congress does have a role, that's the way the Constitution sets up the system of checks and balances...and we need a president that understands that relationship between the two branches.

Carlson then asserts that we have prevented Israel from using their military might and we've had the audacity to forbid them from nuking the crap out of Iran, and Tucker insists he's done 'A LOT behind the scenes' to accomplish this. Walker then blames the president for the Status of Forces Treaty President Bush signed before he left office and now, we are fighting the people who are once our allies, but are now our enemies because of us "leaving them high and dry." Of course, Walker forgets that President Obama was merely doing exactly what the Iraqi leader and President Bush had agreed upon, but hey, history is for liberals, right?

Walker believes that the President has just left our "allies" in a void and they're just waiting for help. He has no idea that Iran is doing that exact thing in the region, but he still thinks they are just our mortal enemies so, it doesn't count. Do you remember when Syria was a hotbed of controversy, as so many in Walker's party wanted a full scale, boots on the ground invasion of Syria? Apparently, the Wisconsin Koch-sucker forgot. He said Egypt and Syria are our Arab partners.

He thinks we should form some sort of coalition to fight ISIS, forgetting that it's precisely what we are doing, and have been doing for over half a year.

Scott Brown says that ISIS is the Al Qaeda of Iraq, even though it's not, and then inquires what Walker would do to help curtail the spread of ISIS. Hopefully, he doesn't think that eliminating Al Qaeda would do a damn thing to combat ISIS, as they are not even allies.

Walker, nodding in agreement with the Cosmo centerfold, once again suggests putting together a global coalition, even if we have one, he doesn't want to have to go to funerals for American servicemen, like he's done already. Boots on the ground, that's one option we shouldn't be 'singling' (maybe he meant signaling) that we wouldn't consider. He's better than Obama, Brown thinks, because "he's not taking off the table" any option.

The Wisconsin Governor thinks, ultimately, that it's better if we "take the fight to them" instead of waiting for them to attack us. Gee, where did we hear that before?

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