Tucker Carlson: I Am Against Whipping People Up Into A Frenzy Of Fear And Hatred Based On Lies

Pot, meet kettle. You're not the only one who's speechless.

I didn't think it was possible to despise Tucker Carlson any more than I already did, but he has managed to surpass my lowest expectations. Fortune Magazine listed two of the Ferguson protesters as two of the top fifty leaders of 2014. In his most sardonic voice, which makes a cat in heat seem soothing by comparison, Tucker said,

"there they are, they became full-time protesters, that is a JOB now, they are leading the charge behind the Hands Up, Don't Shoot Movement after the killing of Michael Brown. Since then, the Justice Department ruled that Brown never had his hands up, so are they really leaders?

Carlson is referring derisively to protest leaders Johnetta Elzie and DeRay McKesson. Their nomination to the Fortune list stands in stark contrast to the denunciations of the Ferguson protesters as anti-cop anarchists. Since then, the Justice Department ruled that Brown never had his hands up, are they really leaders?Tucker had on Conservative radio talk show host David Webb who consider Jonathan Capehart's take on the D.O.J. report as the gospel truth. Unbeknownst to Tucker and Webb, nothing was ever definitively proven.

Clearly and consistently the DOJ Forensic analysis Does Not rule out the possibility that the shooting may have occurred in the manner that witnesses such as Dorian Johnson have described. They very specifically say that they can't prove or disprove any of these claims definitively. Therefore claiming that anyone who says they saw Brown raise his arms is a "LIAR" is more than a little strong. It's completely uncalled for based on the DOJ's own analysis.

Here's the statement from the forensic pathologist who examined Mike Brown's bullet-riddled body.

To say that these people had absolutely no reason to be out there protesting is as ridiculous as Tucker Carlson claiming to be a fact-based journalist. David Webb says they are giving legitimacy to a lie, on the network that is entirely based on fiction.

"They were perpetuating a lie, and frankly the peaceful protesters were overshadowed by the people who drove the narrative...The environment that came out of Ferguson polluted so many cities in this country.

He also blamed the Ferguson protests for the deaths of the two police officers in New York in December.

So Carlson responds with a statement for the ages:

That's it right there. I'm personally not against protesters at all, I'm actually in favor of (crosstalk, inaudible) the right to protest. I am against whipping people up into a frenzy of fear and hatred based on lies.

David Webb asserts that this lie was absolute and Brown's friend, Dorian Johnson was discredited early and disappeared from the spotlight quickly. He once again admitted that he also has no problem with protesters as long as they're peaceful.

Webb through the Moral Monday Movement in North Carolina as an essentially Socialist, Communist or "La Raza" type movement, which is fine even if they are "hard-core Leftists."
Then Webb went off on a vitriolic verbal spewing that would disgust any rational person. He began talking about the victims of the whole Ferguson situation and he named "Officer" Darren Wilson and the Ferguson business owners as having suffered the most. In their white-washed world of ass-backwards justice, the dead black men are the perpetrators of the crimes on the poor cops who shoot first and never bother to ask questions.

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