Celebrity 'Huntress' Earns Death Threats After Ricky Gervais Tweets Pic

Comedian Ricky Gervais shared this photo on twitter of Rebecca Francis enjoying her kill.

This is what porn looks like.

via NY Daily News:

Death threats have been sent to a Utah hunter after images of her joyfully posing with a freshly killed giraffe went viral.

Rebecca Francis drew the ire of social media users across the world after the photo was tweeted by British comedian and animal rights activist Ricky Gervais, the Independent reported.

"What must've happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal & then lie next to it smiling?" Gervais tweeted.

Francis, who won the reality TV series "Extreme Huntress" and co-hosted the "Eye of the Hunter" show, has boasted on her official website of killing various animals.

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