Conservative Newsmax CEO Calls Out Murdoch And Defends Clinton Foundation
Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy wrote a surprisingly strong endorsement of the Clinton Foundation and, at the same time, called out Rupert Murdoch’s corporate hand behind the so-called donor scandals.
Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy wrote a surprisingly strong endorsement of the Clinton Foundation and, at the same time, called out Rupert Murdoch’s corporate hand behind the so-called donor scandals.
In his column, Ruddy noted that he was once described by Clintonistas James Carville and George Stephanopoulos as the “No. 1 press enemy” of the Clinton White House. “But after Bill Clinton left the White House, I came to admire him and his post-presidential work,” Ruddy said. Ruddy was so impressed with the Clinton Foundation that he became a donor.
I was drawn to him largely for the very same reason he and his wife are being criticized today: the Clinton Foundation. Over time, I was impressed enough with its work that I even became a donor.
… Rather than simply “cashing in,” the young former president wanted to devote a substantial amount of his time and energy to making the world a better place, improving the lives of poor people and, at the same time, demonstrating in a real way that Americans cared.
Ruddy also criticized Fox News’ special that was clearly designed to promote both the forthcoming Murdoch-published hit job book as well as its anti-Clinton smears:
… A Fox News special that aired this past Friday detailed many of the allegations from the still-unreleased book. Fox said the book showed the “tangled” and “blurred” relationships between the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons’ private or political activities.
After watching the Fox program, it became clear to me the only thing “tangled” and “blurred” are the numerous unsubstantiated, unconnected, and baseless allegations being made about them.
Then Ruddy noted the political and financial symbiosis going on:
I think the imperative for journalists is more appropriate: Follow the money. So let’s do that.
… The sister companies of News Corp and 21st Century Fox own HarperCollins, which published Peter Schweizer’s book; they own The Wall Street Journal, which first raised the issue of the foreign donations; they own the New York Post, which broke the details about the Schweizer book; and they own Fox News, which gave the story oxygen and legs.
Whatever may or may not be uncovered about the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation, it’s important to remember that Fox has a lot of interests at stake while it feigns being “fair and balanced” in its reporting and analysis - and while it points a finger at the Clintons for having conflicts of interest.
H/T Media Matters.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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