Cosmic Insight ~ In Pursuit Of Believing Again

A cosmic forecast to create balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

Cosmic Insight ~ In Pursuit Of Believing Again

A bit of a cosmic tilt was experienced from last month’s energetic aspects of the Uranus/Pluto square and the solar/lunar eclipses. Mars also shifted from the fiery speed of Aries, into steady Taurus, which is currently encouraging patience, determination and real ‘oomph’ from our creative efforts. And as we pave strong, secure grounds to get where we’re going this time, we’re also restructuring our reality and moral standards into something durable with Saturn retrograde.

When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you. Zig Ziglar

Jupiter Station Direct. With all that has recently swayed, crumbled, or completely exterminated, there were some interesting life lessons to be learned during Jupiter retrograde. We may want to ponder and ask ourselves; ‘in the past few months, what truth(s) have I learned about my recent journey, by understanding more about ‘who I am’ and my beliefs’?

It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. Moliere

As Jupiter stations direct on Wednesday, April 8, optimism, fun, hope, benefits, understanding, education, travel, faith, truth, fortune and gratitude returns. We’ll pick up from where we last left off back in December 2014 (before the retrograde), understanding life and situations from a whole, different perspective. We’ll also have an opportunity to utilize this new vision, as a way to recognize the abundance and blessings in our daily presence. Hearts expand tremendously through romantic enounters, self-expression and creativity with Jupiter transiting Leo. Dreams have potential, life has meaning again, and enthusiasm is uncensored. Where we are going… we are growing.

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today. Dale Carnegie

While this may seem like all fun and games, it won’t be. Not with party-pooper Saturn (discipline, restrictions) putting a stop to the festivities. Taskmaster Saturn had entered Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius in January 2015, enforcing new game rules and responsibilities on us. With Saturn retrograde now, there will be some restructuring, in how we live and do business with life. This of course can add gloom onto lighter moods as detours, delays and limitations are experienced. Yet we learn that we’re never too old or too frail, to learn something new, or to make things right. Be aware that outdated dance moves will be tested and bulldozed, to improve our game, groove and swagger. Now busta move. ~ For info about the author or for a personal consult, click here.

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