Fox Finally Finds A Reason To Like PETA, Courtesy Of Joe Arpaio And Pamela Anderson
Chalk this one up under the "who do you hate more?" category.
We all know that Fox just hates these hippie activists and the likes of PETA, who don't take kindly to hunting and want to ruin all the fun for those gun loving Americans like Sarah Palin or her buddy, diaper-boy Ted Nugent, who just want to be allowed to kill every animal that suits them in peace, or so we thought.
Apparently the network found someone they like even less than PETA activists this week, and that's prisoners who are unfortunate enough to find themselves locked up in one of wingnut Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jails.
Here's more from Wonkette: Joe Arpaio, Pam Anderson, And PETA Walk Into A Prison Cafeteria…:
Turns out Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson have something in common besides a fondness for Barb Wire, pink underpants, and relentless attention-seeking: They both think a vegetarian diet is just peachy, especially if you can impose it on people who have absolutely no say in the matter, i.e., prisoners at the Maricopa County Jail.
And that’s why Joe Freaking Arpaio joined Anderson and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for a big press conference Wednesday, touting the wholesomeness and general goodness of the jail’s meat-free meals. We actually don’t have a problem with the vegetarianism part of it, really. But you’d think maybe someone at PETA would have given just a little bit of thought before partnering with a guy whose incarceration philosophy is built on treating prisoners as inhumanly as possible within the bounds of the Eighth Amendment — and frequently beyond them. Not that there’s necessarily a conflict of values; PETA is only concerned with caged animals that aren’t human.
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is certainly proud of its achievements in cutting out meat from prisoner meals — and considering that Arpaio used to brag about serving prisoners greenish bologna, maybe this is a step up. Supposedly, the meatless meals save taxpayers some $200,000 a year, according to a MCSO press release. Also, too, there are a whole bunch of other benefits: “reduced electricity costs, not having to tailor a variety of meals to suit different religious convictions and other special requests, and providing healthier meals that don’t spoil as quickly as animal products.”
Oh, and to save money and improve inmate health, Dear Sheriff Joe also eliminated coffee and condiments. Guy’s a freakin’ saint, isn’t he? Good thing he’s saving a few bucks on food, since Maricopa County taxpayers are still on the hook for some $21 million in costs needed to comply with a court order requiring MCSO to change policies and procedures that constituted racial profiling, plus a $3.75 million settlement for Arpaio’s revenge arrests of a couple of journalists he didn’t like. Still, big savings on food! Read on...