Fox & Friends Says Protecting Atheists From Discrimination Is Anti-Christian!
While Fox News cheered on the Indiana "religious freedom" bill as a way to protect Christians, they sure don't feel the same way about a Wisconsin ordinance, pushed by the evil Freedom From Religion Foundation, which protects atheists.
While Fox News cheered on the Indiana "religious freedom" bill as a way to protect Christians, they sure don't feel the same way about a Wisconsin ordinance, pushed by the evil Freedom From Religion Foundation, which protects atheists. On this morning's Fox & Friends, we learned that this action is anti-Christian because Christians have a right to discriminate against atheists!
Paragon of tolerant Christianity, Tucker Carlson reported that Madison, Wisconsin is now including atheists as a protected class. Jesus BFF, Anna Kooiman set the propaganda message in asking Fox's favorite race baiting, GOP activist, and former DOJ attorney J Christian Adams "where does this hostility come from." Adams informed us that the measure was driven by the Freedom From Religion Foundation which is one of Fox's favorite targets for its patented war on atheists and atheism. In Fox's Christian crusade, Adams described the group as "a bunch of angry atheists." (As opposed to the perennially pissed off Christians who host Fox News shows?)
Adams whined about how the FRFF "hectors governments to pass anti-Christian anti-Christian, anti-religious ordinances." (As opposed to anti-gay ordinances such as the one, promoted by Fox, in Houston?) Despite the fact that Madison's measure was passed unanimously, the banner proclaimed that it is a "Controversial Change." He continued to whine about the FRFF's evil ways and how they are "full of hostility towards people of faith." Tucker Carlson joined the attack: "It's never about tolerating their views, it's attacking other people's views." (Oh, the irony! This is being said on Fox News which does this ALL THE TIME!)
Cuing the requisite Christian death threats directed towards enemies of the Fox state, Carlson read a statement from one of the city council members. In suggesting an insidious conspiracy against Christians, Carlson said that while her comment seems fair, "that's not exactly their aim, is it."
Adams blithered about how this ordinance will spawn a "body of "bureaucrats" who will be "tasked" to harass "people of faith" who have good reason to not hire atheists because the New Testament says to "avoid them." He used the hypothetical example of an airline that wants to hire pilots who believe in hell (WTF) and opined that this shows why religion is "important to so many people." He claimed that telling people that they can't hire those who are religiously simpatico "intrudes on their free exercise of faith." (So who cares about Title VII of the Civil Rights Law which states that it is "unlawful" to discriminate on the basis of faith.)
Kooiman engaged in some patented Fox fear mongering when, after warning that the FRFF is "trying to make this into a trend," read a quote from the FRFF which advocates that other localities pass similar measures. The banner: "Expanding Its Influence, Will Madison's New Code Spread Across US." Adams continued to bloviate about how these nasty atheists hate Christians and Jews which is a big, fat lie because the group, as does the ACLU, acts to enforce the First Amendment "wall of separation" between church and state. He even brought Easter and Passover into the discussion because these observances are all about "escaping from this kind of hatred" which is shown by the FRFF, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Carlson suggested a "political" motivation because "if there is no God, the highest authority is government." (Uh, Tucker, in the US, that is the highest authority.) Adams pimped the popular and bogus Christian right screed about how our country was founded on the notion that "we are created in the image of God" and how the FRFF just hates that.
Fox News is always pimping perpetual outrage over alleged anti-Christian discrimination. Meanwhile, they believe that discrimination against atheists is just dandy cuz the Bible. Fox - America's bizarro world's newsroom!
Oh, and don't forget, the folks at Freedom From Religion Foundation are Satan's minions.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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