Fox's Charles Payne: Unions Aren't Going To Be Happy Until They Own Walmart

The talking heads on Fox continue their demonization of labor unions.

Walmart closes five stores in retaliation for their workers demanding better wages and benefits, and how do the talking heads on Fox respond? By attacking labor unions, of course. From this Saturday's Cavuto on Business, here's Charles Payne responding to host Neil Cavuto asking him if he's "buying it" what this layoff was payback for the workers protesting.

PAYNE: They're not going to be happy until they own Walmart. Until they're majority shareholders, until they socialize the entire company and they make it, not shareholders, but "stakeholders," beginning with the workers. I understand the long term goals and they won't ever be satisfied period.

Last I heard there was not some evil socialist plot for the workers to take over Walmart. Just some underpaid employees out there trying to draw attention to their working conditions. After more snide remarks all the way around about how horrible it would be for Walmart to unionize, guest Dagen McDowell admitted that these sudden closing "looked kind of fishy," but don't think for one minute that meant she wasn't going to carry water for Walmart as well.

MCDOWELL: These closures look sudden and kind of fishy and weird. The trouble is, so it goes to the National Labor Relations Board, which is union friendly, so Walmart I don't even think will get a fair hearing at the NLRB.

Republicans have done their best to make sure that the NLRB was either heavily slanted in favor of big business or could not function at all. Heaven forbid now that it's finally fully staffed they might start ruling in favor of the workers instead of their employers. The horror!

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