Fox's Jeanine Pirro Puts Her Clinton Derangement Syndrome On Full Display
If anyone was wondering if Fox's Jeanine Pirro was going to be able to seamlessly shift from her Obama Derangement Syndrome to full blown Clinton Derangement Syndrome, this Saturday, she left no doubt.
If anyone was wondering if Fox's Jeanine Pirro was going to be able to seamlessly shift from her Obama Derangement Syndrome to full blown Clinton Derangement Syndrome, this Saturday, she left no doubt.
From Fox's blog: Judge Jeanine: Hillary Is 'Ruthless, Profit-Driven and All About the Money' :
I'm going to shock you. Hillary Clinton would be, without a doubt, hands down, the absolute best CEO of a public company. Ruthless, profit-driven and all about the money.
But if you're looking for a different kind of CEO, one to run the greatest nation on Earth and bring back America - now teetering on the brink of socialism - to be president of the United States, Hillary Clinton is the worst possible choice. She, in fact, is the person to run away from.
And what makes you think she cares about you? She doesn't care about you. This woman only cares about herself, money, her next step up the political ladder and, if president, will only care about her legacy. And if you don't see that from the events of this past week, then you're exactly the kind of tuned out voter that Hillary is hoping to turn out in droves in 2016.
So what am I talking about? I'm talking about influence peddling on a global scale and the setting of American foreign policy to coincide with the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and millions directly to Bill Clinton and ultimately Hillary in speaking fees.
Exhibit one: Bill takes a plane ride to Kazakhstan with a Canadian who wants to buy uranium. Now the president of Kazakhstan is a human rights violator. But Bill actually praises his human rights record and then expresses support for that president to lead an international elections monitoring group. Crazy - because that Kazak president is accused of rigging his own elections!
But back to the deal. Now Kazakhstan approves the sale of uranium to Bill's flying buddy. And months later the Clinton foundation gets a $31.3 million donation from the Canadian which was a secret and not disclosed by the Clintons until the Canadian government outed it.
Now the Canadian wants to sell his uranium business to Russia. Enter the Clintons. The State Department approval is needed and granted. Bill gets a $500,000 speaking fee and Russia now controls 20 percent of the U.S. uranium production - a national strategic asset.
That very same Russian company - Uranium One - made a $2.35 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation - not disclosed by the Clintons.
Now Hillary has always been against foreign governments controlling U.S. strategic assets - like ports:
“We believe that no foreign government should control our ports.” – Clinton on March 9, 2006
But Hillary has a change of heart after huge amounts of cash, both reported and unreported, flow into the Clinton Foundation
Russia - the same country that sends uranium to Iran, which aspires to build a nuclear weapon - now controls a great deal of American uranium.
Exhibit two: a guy named Pinchuk manufactures steel pipes in Ukraine. He and Bill become fast friends. His company does business with Iran - violating U.S. trade sanctions. Hillary is Secretary of State and her department is tasked with holding foreign companies responsible for violating sanctions. The Clinton Foundation receives millions of dollars from the Pinchuk Foundation - with a pledge to give another $20 million more. And shocker - the state department never sanctions Pinchuk for any violations.
Exhibit three: a tragic earthquake in Haiti. 316,000 people die. Hillary there within days, as is Bill. As people dig bodies out of buildings, Bill, promoting a wireless phone system for Haiti. His good friend - Dennis O’Brien - a man of virtually no digital experience - receives a grant to create that system. A man previously unknown to Haiti is now the biggest player in mobile phones in that country.
Now folks, there is no question that Bill Clinton’s speaking fees tripled and quadrupled when Hillary was Secretary of State while the contributors who stood to profit from Hillary’s influence at the State Department employed Bill.
Historically, prosecutors have looked for quid pro quo's from politicians when they deliver to constituents or contributors. Politicians doing business for themselves and lining their own pockets is the essence of public corruption.
Not only were contributions to the foundation and speaking fees to Bill made, but in many of these deals both Hillary and Bill were in the subject foreign country at the same time, wheeling and dealing. She wielding American diplomacy. And he receiving speaking fees of a half a million to three quarters of a million dollars. And their foundation - the huge beneficiary of hundreds of millions of dollars. Some reported and some not.
You know, prosecutors have convicted politicians for things as simple as a free cab ride in exchange for favors. Anything from bribery, conspiracy, violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Whenever an American government official accepts gifts intended to curry favor, he crosses the line.
Now Bill and Hillary, if you’ll remember, started with “nothing.” Bill is now the wealthiest ex-president in the United States. Might it be because Hillary greased the skids after which Bill accepted massive gratuities? Many think we may never know because she refuses to give up that email server. And therefore there is no smoking gun.
But I have news for you, folks. A jury can infer guilt from benefits received and subsequent favorable treatment. And FBI director Jim Comey, a former United States attorney, knows this. He knows what needs to be done. He simply needs to follow the money - audits of Bill's tax returns, Hillary’s tax returns, joint returns. And they are already refiling five years of tax returns for the foundation. And most people I know who refile tax returns get indicted and go to jail.
How do you go from dead broke to filthy rich? Why would you not recuse yourself as Secretary of State when there is a conflict of interest or even the appearance of one?
You know, Hillary Clinton’s life has always been about money. From Whitewater to cattle futures to leaving the White House with whatever china she could take. As a prosecutor, I can tell you that it's always about money or women, and the Clintons have both. And when I hear things like, “Oh, everybody does it,” my back goes up. I am tired of people defining political deviancy down because it's being committed by a member of their party. And my back goes up when I hear that Russia, because of the Clintons, now controls a great deal of America’s uranium. You know, there is a name for people who are willing to sell out their country for cash.
Yeah, they're called whores, just like many on the right are who are willing to go on the air and lie for money, just like Pirro did with these unfounded Clinton Foundation accusations.