George Will Attacks Obama For Failing To Clean Up Bush's Mess In Iraq

Fox's George Will with the latest bit of Obama derangement syndrome on foreign policy.

Fox's George Will with the latest bit of Obama derangement syndrome on foreign policy. Coming from the man who supported the invasion of Iraq until he decided he was against it, who apparently believes President Obama is a "failure" because he hasn't snapped his fingers and forced the rest of the world to bend to our will.

From this weekend's Fox News Sunday, here's Will blaming Obama for honoring Bush's status of forces agreement in Iraq, along with Putin and Netanyahu's bad behavior.

WALLACE: George, there are obviously concessions in any negotiation. Did President Obama and the West give up too much or is this a reasonable deal?

WILL: Well, what was given up that really matters was given up a while ago, that is they conceded the right to enrich, the capacity to enrich and the possession of some low enriched uranium.

This deal comes in the fourth quarter of an Obama presidency that has been characterized in foreign policy by four failures: the failure to leave a stable Iraq, the failure of the Russian reset, the failure to advance the Israeli/Palestinian peace process, and the failure to suppress the proliferation of al Qaeda emulators and franchises, if you will.

So we went into this with a kind of asymmetry of urgency. The president wanted to stop the Iranian bomb, but he really wanted a deal that could be presented as revolutionary for the whole region. The Iranians wanted to lighten the sanctions, but they really want a nuclear weapon. And I think that's the asymmetry that defines this process.

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