GOP Role Model Ted Nugent Says Put Hillary In Jail, Shoot 'Illegals'

Addressing one of the most intolerant G.O.P. strongholds, Maricopa County, Arizona, Ted Nugent rants and raves like the deranged creature he is.

Ted Nugent calls himself a

"loud mouth, hell raising, we the people son of a bitch. Democrats won't debate me because I chew up their family tree and shit sawdust."

Aah, yes, that's it. It has nothing to do with the plethora of psychotic ideas you seem to have, Ol' Draft-Dodging Ted, does it? Ted Nugent proves, once again, that he has become insanely unhinged and the Maricopa County, AZ. GOP is just eating it up.

The video above goes on a tear about the which firearms are the most effective in scaring the crap out of those illegals. He claims to have shot at one with some big shotgun that is akin to a "giant wall of lead." No, he wasn't making a metaphor about his brain, he was discussing his vast knowledge of weapons to incite terror, but since he's not a brown person, it's perfectly acceptable.

His next rampage represents the sheer terror he and the rest of the Republican Klown Kar Krazies experience when the name Hillary Clinton is mentioned. First he dazzles them with the alleged 28,000,000 Facebookers who adore him, things being so desperate, 27.5 million of them want Nugent to run for president. He doesn't mention if that number includes the millions of "fans" who are unaware he is a pants-shitting, draft-dodging homicidal maniac who prefers his women pre-pubescent. It seems he over-estimated his facebook fans. His "Ted Nugent For President" page has 254,000 likes and his regular page has about 2.3 million. Republican math can make numbers grow inexplicably.

Remember Romney's jailbait problem with Nugent?

In fact, in the case of Nugent, we have even come to see alleged child sexual abuse as some sort of eccentricity or harmless vice. Can you imagine anyone else who had been accused of having sex with a 12-year-old, written a song about raping a 13-year-old and adopted a 17-year-old so that he could have sex with her going on to campaign alongside all the most conservative "family values" candidates?

Then he derides the latest Benghazi committee chair, Trey Gowdy (R-SC). "How many more investigations is Trey Gowdy gonna have before something gets accomplished? I've had enough bullshit, I want Lois Lerner (who had nothing to do with Benghazi, or any other crime) thrown in jail. I want Hillary Clinton in jail. Ambassador Stevens is still dead.

Notice the only ones who should go to jail are women? That's just a scintilla of his deep-seated hatred for women. But don't forget, he's also a bigot, homophobe, racist and xenophobe, and those are his more endearing qualities.

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