Jon Stewart Hammers Crying Boehner And Congress For Heaping Praise On Themselves For Passing 'Doc Fix'

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart let crying Orange Boehner have it for getting all teared up over what should be considered just doing their jobs.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart let crying Orange Boehner have it on this Monday's show for getting all teared up over what should be considered just doing their jobs.

In a rare act of bipartisanship last week, Congress finally managed to do something that many thought was impossible, which is passing legislation that takes care of the formula Medicare uses to pay physicians, otherwise known as the "doc fix."

Obama Is About To Sign The Biggest Health Care Bill Since Obamacare:

President Barack Obama is poised to sign into law the most far-reaching health care reform bill since Obamacare, permanently ending the "doc fix" dilemma that has haunted Congress for more than a decade.

It also slashes Medicare benefits for upper-income seniors.

And in the strangest of twists, the legislation passed with overwhelmingly bipartisan support, an exceedingly rare achievement for a Congress that has all but ceased to address big, long-term problems.

The legislation passed the Senate on Tuesday night by a vote of 92-8. It was approved 392-37 by the House last month before Easter recess. Obama had endorsed the proposal as Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) were closing in on a deal.

"It’s another reminder of a new Republican Congress that’s back to work," said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

On the urging of Boehner and McConnell, the Senate rejected six amendments to the legislation offered by both parties and approved it as written. Boehner is expected to send Obama the legislation after a House signing ceremony on Thursday.

"Through this bold, necessary legislation, we have secured critical support for low-income seniors, for poor children, and for underserved communities across the country," said Pelosi.

After showing some of the recent news coverage of the vote, President Obama praising Congress for finally coming together and getting something done, and some of crying Boehner's press conference, Stewart let Boehner have it.

STEWART: Look at this man! It's unbelievable! Imagine if normal people reacted this way to the dutiful executing of basic occupational tasks.

Followed by Stewart, along with regulars Jordan Klepper and Jessica Williams, helping his audience to do just that with a scene in a deli and the media reacting to someone making a sandwich for a customer in the same manner they treated Boehner and company.


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