Jon Stewart Knocks Down Anti-Gay Marriage Supreme Court Oral Arguments

Jon Stewart took apart the right wingers on the Supreme Court and their allies' extremely lame arguments against same sex-marriage that were heard during oral arguments this week.

Let's hope Jon Stewart was right when he said this about the oral arguments we heard this week on gay marriage in front of the Supreme Court.

STEWART: Bottom line is this. If oral arguments have any impact on the final result, June's going to be a nice time for a gay wedding.

Amen to that. Stewart started off his show this Wednesday by going after the wingnuts on the Supreme Court and former solicitor general of Michigan John Bursch, and the extremely lame arguments we heard from them against the issue of same-sex marriage.

Jon Stewart schools Justices Roberts and Alito: ‘Marriage has almost never not been changing’:

Jon Stewart threw his own oral arguments at both Chief Justice John Roberts and the “anti-gay cray-cray” contingent on Wednesday’s Daily Show, puncturing the rhetoric the Supreme Court heard on Tuesday against same-sex marriages.

“The institution of marriage has almost never not been changing,” Stewart said in response to Roberts. “Before the last century, marriage wasn’t one man and one woman; it was one man and his piece of vagina property. Change can be good.”

Stewart also knocked down Justice Samuel Alito’s suggestion that letting same-sex couples marry would open the door to polygamy.

“Why should gay people have to account for anyone who’s ever going to want to get married after they get the right to marry?” the host asked. “When women fought for suffrage, no one was like, ‘What if one day a dog wants to vote, how ’bout that ladies?'”

The high court heard arguments on Tuesday concerning marriage equality bans in four states, with the case for the states being made by former solicitor general of Michigan John Bursch. Stewart poked fun at Bursch’s youthful appearance while giving him a backhanded compliment for arguing that legalizing same-sex marriage could cause “long-term harms to our country and to our fundamental interest to govern themselves.”

Stewart also highlighted the arguments made by Justices Ginsburg and Kagan who did a wonderful job of knocking down Bursch and his attempt to pretend that marriage is all about having children and whether or not those who either don't intend to have kids or are too old to have any shouldn't be allowed to marry.

The Washington Post has the entire transcript of the hearing up for anyone who is interested in following the issue more closely: Supreme Court hears same-sex marriage case: Who said what (with audio)


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