Jon Stewart Rips Supporters Of Indiana RFRA Law For Comparing Gay People To The KKK And Hitler

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart returned from vacation this Monday and started off the week by ripping the defenders of Indiana's so-called "religious freedom" law for constantly comparing gay couples who would like to get married to the KKK and Hitler.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart returned from vacation this Monday and started off the week by ripping the defenders of Indiana's so-called "religious freedom" law that Gov. Mike Pence was just forced to do some backtracking on, for constantly comparing gay couples who would like to get married to the KKK and Hitler.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve taken the SATs, but I believe the formulation as you defend yourselves is this: [a lesbian] couple is to Christian business as [Klan members] are to everyone else,” he said. “Is that what you’re saying? ‘I’m not discriminating, I have nothing against gay people; I’m just saying, for some Christians, catering an elderly lesbian wedding is like making a Jew slow-dance with Hitler.’”

The bill, which originally opened the door for businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers, brought a firestorm of criticism against both Republican legislators and Gov. Mike Pence (R) after being signed into law. That criticism, in turn, prompted Christian conservatives like former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) to accuse opponents of trying to stifle “religious freedom.”

“Shut up,” Stewart said in response to Huckabee’s remarks. “So when gays want equality, it’s militancy. And when Christians want to deny service, it’s freedom. See, those who are defending this sort of law go very far out of their way to say how it’s not discriminatory towards anybody. Especially gay people — they’ve got nothing against gay people.” Read on...

Stewart followed up the segment with another making a complete mockery of the fundraiser for the anti-gay Indiana pizzeria that just received over $800,000 in wingnut welfare.

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