Jon Stewart Whacks Congress For Only Caring About Oversight When It Comes To Making Peace

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a whack at our United States Senate for only caring about their oversight responsibility when it comes to negotiating treaties and trying to make peace.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a whack at our United States Senate for only caring about their oversight responsibility when it comes to negotiating treaties and trying to make peace. You want to start a war, use drones to drop some bombs on people's heads, and get the United States in the middle of another military intervention somewhere, these guys are more than willing to give the executive branch all the authority they need to do whatever they want.

Try to negotiate a treaty with Iran, or to cooperate with countries in any way at all, and as Stewart said it's "Hold on there! What are you doing mister?!" After going through a list of treaties and the lame excuses given by the warmongers and neocons that have been residing in our Senate for the last decade or so, Stewart asked, "Why are we so fucking cautious and unwilling to cooperate with the global community on non-military agreements?" After showing some of them warning about the dangers of "unintended consequences," Stewart responded.

STEWART: Yes, the unintended consequences of trying to make peace. Our Congress is incredibly cautious about treaties, because you never know the blow back peaceful cooperation can have. We see it all the time. Maybe if we hadn't been so eager to collect Halloween pens for Unicef, Iraq would be a stable country today and ISIS would never get a foothold. But that's the kind of goodness baked into our Constitution.

To make peace, two-thirds of the Senate needs to come along. Oh, you want to go to war though, simple majority. A quick tip. If you call it something else, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

We're the Edward Scissorhands of countries. We want to love, but we only know how to hurt.

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