Jon Stewart Wonders How The 'Welfare Queens' Running Kansas Would Like A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart let Kansas have it for their recent crackdown on welfare recipients while not feeling the need to place some of the same restraints on gun owners.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart let Kansas have it for their recent crackdown on welfare recipients while not feeling the need to place some of the same restraints on gun owners. Earlier this month Kansas just passed a new law saying you don't need to have any stinking training to get a conceal carry permit, because "freedom" or as Stewart put it:

That's eight hours you could have already been shooting stuff!

Apparently Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback didn't believe any training time was necessary because "Kansas gun owners have shown that they're responsible," which as Stewart noted, is the "reason you allow your children to get a hamster," and even then, you might want to have that shoebox ready in case things go wrong.

After making a mockery of state Rep. Travis Couture-Lovelady -- who actually had the gall to say that they improved the training by just getting rid of it -- and his cohorts on the right who know full well there should be more training, but are "erring on the side of freedom," Stewart moved on to highlight just how hypocritical this law is in light of another one just passed by the state.

As we recently discussed here, Kansas also just passed some extremely draconian, mean spirited and petty restrictions on welfare recipients, where they're being told exactly how they can spend their money and making sure that none of it goes to so-called luxury items, or as Stewart put it, "anything that might possibly bring joy into your life."

He wrapped things up taking them apart for their double standard: Stewart Rips Kansas: People Can Be Trusted with Guns But Not Welfare?:

Stewart said Kansas believes the government doesn’t get to tell you how to spend your money or hold your gun “until you’re on the dole,” and then they can “treat you like a bad child.”

He also took a shot at Kansas being on the federal dole, so to speak, suggesting that maybe certain government services get stripped and then “see how you like being treated like the welfare queens you are.”

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