Progressives Are Subhuman Mongrels For Quoting Ted Nugent Verbatim

Quoting Ted Nugent makes him very angry, and like clockwork, the subhuman mongrel rant begins.

From Ted Nugent's Facebook page

Ted Nugent, in addition to his delightful habits of disrespecting a U.S. President, boasting about sexual exploits with prepubescent girls, defecating in his pants to avoid the draft and threatening the lives of poor refugees, has a problem with anyone criticizing him. He's especially put off when someone simply transcribes his very own hateful words. Mr. Poopypants was none too please when I posted an article on his Facebook post of a dead wolf. Ted and his loyal foot soldiers seem to think that being a patriotic American requires plenty hunting and killing, you know, to help maintain population control.

Nugent is no stranger to inflammatory rhetoric, one of his most noteworthy is his use of a word which disrespected Sarah Palin's disabled son, Trig.

During his January 15 appearance on the NRA's radio show, Cam & Company, Nugent discussed his upcoming appearance on Sarah Palin's Sportsman Channel reality show Amazing America with Sarah Palin. No mention was made by Nugent or host Cam Edwards of how the musician and conservative commentator recently mocked people with mental disabilities on Facebook while using the word "retard."

The topic also did not come up during a January 15 appearance by Palin on the NRA's television show on Sportsman Channel, which is also called Cam & Company. Instead, Palin called Nugent her "blood brother." Nugent turned from hyping his appearance on Palin's show to offering a rant against critics of him and the NRA, reviving his infamous "subhuman mongrel" slur. As Nugent's rant reached a crescendo, NRA News apparently muted him for several seconds.

Nugent's latest unfounded claim is that President Obama is the reason for veterans' suicides. Even before this latest insanity, Nugent called the President of the United States a subhuman mongrel. It seems Ted's inventory of insults is as lacking as his knowledge of Twenty-First Century history. Barack Obama wasn't even a U.S. Senator when the Bush Crime Family embarked upon two of the longest, costliest wars in our very bellicose history.

It's fine if a right wing thug like Nugent uses offensive language to disrespect millions of Americans as well as our duly elected president; but if a progressive blogger re-posts Nugent's own words, that makes said blogger a 'subhuman mongrel?' Sounds reasonable, right?

I suppose we shouldn't expect the has-been musician to say anything credible during this time that he predicted he'd either be in jail or dead.

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