Memories Pizza GoFundMe Campaign Collects $842,592 For Indiana Family Opposed To Gay Marriage

Father and daughter Kevin and Crystal O'Connor discuss the (now) $842,592 raised on their behalf by Glenn Beck's The Blaze on their GoFundMe page.

One suspects the O'Connors, who at least seem sincere if misguided in their irrational fear of same-sex marriage, are about to learn some hard life lessons from ever getting involved with truly unrepentant snakes like Glenn Beck and Dana Loesch.

via IBT

The crowdfunding campaign for the owners of the Indiana pizzeria that became a flashpoint of the national debate over the state’s religious freedom law closed donations Friday after raking in $842,387. The campaign's creators, employees of conservative news station Blaze TV, said the next step was to transfer the funds to the pizzeria owners and set them up with a financial adviser.

The campaign was launched on GoFundMe Wednesday in an effort to support Memories Pizza, based in Walkerton, Indiana, after owners Kevin and Crystal O'Connor faced a storm of backlash for their comments on serving same-sex couples. Donations had poured in at a breakneck pace since then, but the campaign creators closed the funding period Friday evening shortly after 9 p.m. EDT, with 29,160 individual contributions.

In a post at the website of "The Dana Show," a Blaze TV program that hosted an interview with the couple Wednesday, staffers said they would give the Indiana couple's contact information to GoFundMe so they could access the funds. They also wrote that they were coordinating with financial adviser Ed Butowsky to help the couple manage their money "so that a blessing doesn't become a burden."

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