Milwaukee Republican Refers To Hillary Clinton As 'Ovary'
Milwaukee County Supervisor Deanna Alexander makes a smooth transition from racism to self-loathing misogyny
Milwaukee County Supervisor Deanna Alexander has already made a name for herself based on her blatant racism. First, she used taxpayer money to send out mailers wrongfully stating that voters needed a picture ID to vote in order to suppress the vote.
A month later, she issued a tweet mocking the death of Eric Garner, saying she bought a t-shirt that read, "Breathe Easy - Don't Break the Law."
Now Alexander has segued her way from open racism to self-loathing misogyny by deciding she would attack Hillary Clinton by referring to her as "Ovary":
Alexander only made matters worse when she tried to explain it away:
She notes that people come up with nicknames for politicians all the time. For instance, former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was dubbed The Governator and ex-President Bill Clinton was known as Slick Willie to his critics -- and even some of his supporters.
Alexander, who is considered a possible candidate for the state Senate, said she found it interesting that people have jumped to the conclusion that she was referring to Hillary Clinton when she discussed "Ovary's campaign." She noted that Time Magazine ran a "sexist" article on the former secretary of state earlier this month by suggesting that Clinton is ready to run for president now that she's past menopause.
"So I'm certainly not the only one who has taken notice here," Alexander said. "While I would be excited to someday see a woman become president, I think that the potential to make history for simply being female is the only thing Hillary has going for her."
Comparing Alexander's blatantly gender-based smears to "Slick Willie" or "The Governator" is awfully weak tea, even for the intellectually dishonest Alexander. Then again, Alexander is the first one to go crying to the media of sexist attacks the minute anyone criticized her, even if she did do something unethical or even illegal.
For Alexander to go to such extremes to build up her name recognition for a future run at the state senate should give great hope to any and all future opponents.